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Ana Paula dos Santos


First Lady of Angola

More by user: aismail
Created: 21st Apr 2009
Modified: 22nd Apr 2009
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Biographical Information
Ana Paula dos Santos
(At a Glance)
Gender: female

Her Excellency Mrs. Ana Paula dos Santos First Lady, spouse of the President of the Republic of Angola, His Excellency Jose Eduardo Dos Santos. Her Excellency Ana Paula dos Santos is a Lawyer by profession. She is committed to numerous social and economic issues affecting society, in particular women and girls. She is a patron of the Committee to Support Rural Women (COMUR), which supports rural women with micro-credit funds. As patron of COMUR, she represented her country, Angola, at the Micro-credit Summit for Heads of States and Governments in Washington D.C. USA, in 1997. Mrs. dos Santos is also very active in her support of landmine victims. She founded the Lwini Fund for Social Solidarity which is dedicated to the support of civilian land mine victims, particularly women and children. Mrs. dos Santos was elected one of the first co-chairs when African Synergy was established almost twelve years ago.


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Angola, Soccer
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Soccer, Angola