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Yvonne Washington-Turay

United States

Yvonne Washington-Turay MSN,FNP,APRN-BC is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner who has been providing care to those in need for more than 20 years. She is the Founder of God's House International, Inc., which works to provide health education and health resources in Freetown, Sierra Leone and St. Thomas, USVI. Through GodÂ’s House, Yvonne also works to spread homelessness awareness in St. Thomas.

More by user: Yvonne Washington-Turay
Created: 7th Mar 2009
Modified: 7th Mar 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Other, Health, NGOs, Practitioner
God's House International
Working primarily in:
Sierra Leone

Description of Work:

She has provided independent medical care since 2001 in Sierra Leone and is well-known for her efforts by residents in the city of Freetown, as well as in the villages of Gbendembu and Rukupr. One of her major projects in this region is the construction of the God’s House International free clinic in Freetown. The clinic was designed by Mr. Kandeh Turay, Yvonne’s husband, who is a native Sierra Leonean and a member of the Loko tribe. This couple has used their own personal financial resources and donations from family, friends and small businesses to make this dream come alive.  A Family Ministry, God's House is manned by Mrs. Turay, Her daughter L.E.G.A.C.Y., her husband Kandeh, the Board of Directors and partner ministries.  Recently, Mrs. Turay and L.E.G.A.C.Y. recently returned from a two week trip to Sierra Leone where they provided HIV/AIDS awareness, Women's empowerment sessions and provided gifts, school supplies and food to those in need.

Yvonne has made a 360 degree connection in her life. After deeply researching her ancestry several years ago, she discovered that her ancestry traces back to Sierra Leone through the Geechee roots of her mother and great grandmother. The Geechee, otherwise know as Gullah, people were originally from regions of Sierra Leone and Angola. Through the trans-atlantic slave trade many natives of Sierra Leone were brought to South Carolina along with a number of Africans from Angola. Theories surrounding the origin of the names “Geechee” and “Gullah” are many. A search on the internet will provide some interpretations of the origin of the names. God’s House International is truly a tribute to the roots from which it has come.

Yvonne is also the writer of the Nurse’s Theme Song and the Nurse Practitioner’s Anthem.

Yvonne is a wife, a mother of five and grandmother of six.

Biographical Information
Yvonne Washington-Turay
(At a Glance)
Gender: female
Place of Origin: United States

Yvonne Washington-Turay MSN,FNP,APRN-BC is a Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner who has been providing care to those in need for more than 20 years. She is the Founder of God's House International, Inc., which works to provide health education and health resources in Freetown, Sierra Leone and St. Thomas, USVI. Through God’s House, Yvonne also works to spread homelessness awareness in St. Thomas.

Her most recent endeavor in Freetown, Sierra Leone is dated back to 2000 when she initially began visiting the country.  She has provided independent medical care since 2001 in Sierra Leone and is well-known for her efforts by residents in the city of Freetown, as well as in the villages of Gbendembu and Rukupr. One of her major projects in this region is the construction of the God’s House International free clinic in Freetown. The clinic was designed by Mr. Kandeh Turay, Yvonne’s husband, who is a native Sierra Leonean and a member of the Loko tribe. This couple has used their own personal financial resources and donations from family, friends and small businesses to make this dream come alive.  

Yvonne has made a 360 degree connection in her life. After deeply researching her ancestry several years ago, she discovered that her ancestry traces back to Sierra Leone through the Geechee roots of her mother and great grandmother. The Geechee, otherwise know as Gullah, people were originally from regions of Sierra Leone and Angola. Through the trans-atlantic slave trade many natives of Sierra Leone were brought to South Carolina along with a number of Africans from Angola. Theories surrounding the origin of the names “Geechee” and “Gullah” are many. A search on the internet will provide some interpretations of the origin of the names. God’s House International is truly a tribute to the roots from which it has come.

Yvonne is also the writer of the Nurse’s Theme Song and the Nurse Practitioner’s Anthem.

Yvonne is a wife, a mother of five and grandmother of six.


Pioneer in Nursing Award:  Bowie State University, Bowie MD


CD Sounds of the Spirit; I'll Give Him the Praise; Copyright 1997

The Nurse's Theme Song; copyright 2002

The Nurse Practitioner's Anthem copyright 2004

TV appearances in the United States Virgin Islands:

     The Addie Ottley Show

     The People's Pulse

Speaking Engagements:

     Senator Lorraine Berry's Women's Conference   October 2004

     Depart of Human Services St. Thomas VI  Senior Wellness Seminar

        ---September 2006

         ---March 2007

Heaven's Gate Ministries, Freetown, Sierra Leone, February 2009

St. Peter's Healing Church, Alexandria Virginia, February 2009

  Guest Artist: Per Ankh, Queens of the Virgin Islands May 2008

And Much More



Ambulatory Nursing in a Foreign Country; The Progressive Arrow Vol 5, issue 2/ August 2003.

A Nurse's Story:  May 2004, HIV Clearing House Newsletter; May 2006




Other Accomplishments:

Official Ministerial Ordination :

November 17, 2008 International Gospel Center of St. Thomas, USVI

My greatest accomplishment is having the ears to hear and the unction to go as God leads me to impact the world for his glory.

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