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Russ Feingold

United States

Russ Feingold is a United States senator from Wisconsin and the chairman of the United States Senate subcommittee on African Affairs.

More by user: esmith
Created: 22nd Jul 2008
Modified: 22nd Jul 2008
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US government
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United States

Description of Work:
Russ Feingold is a politician known for success while refusing to hide his conscious. He is a voice that has worked effectively across party lines for both Wisconsin and the US. He is a respected leader in both domestic and foreign policy. He is a member of the Judiciary, Foreign Relations, Budget and Special Committee on Intelligence. Feingold is a longtime advocate for restoring fiscal discipline in Congress and reducing the federal deficit. He supports healthcare for all americans and is working aganist outsourcing of jobs overseas and stregthening the public education system. He has been an opponent of NAFTA and other free trade agreements, a popular position among pro-fair trade democrats. He is also known for being a strong opponnent of capital punishment. Feingold makes it a priority to stay in close touch with the residents and communities of Wisconsin. Each year he holds listening sessions in each of the states 72 counties. There he hears directly from the people of Wisconsin about what issues matter to them. As a member of the judiciary committee Feingold brought to attention the need to fight terrorism while still defending privacy and personal freedoms. Feingold was the sole senator to vote aganist the US Patriot Act. Since then he has continued to fight for change within the act and protect the civil liberties of law abiding Americans. Feingold was aganist President Bush's decision to go to Iraq from the start and was the first senator to call for a timetable to redeploy troops out of Iraq. Some recent legislative acheivements for Feingold include securing benefits for families of injured service members and improving the transition services for veterns returning home. He also worked to increase funding for dental health care and authored a law that provides grants for states to increase public access to defibrillators for victims of cardiac arrest. In March 2006 Feingold introduced a resolution in the senate to censure President Bush as a result of illegal wiretapping. Feingold works to focus attention and diplomatic resources on African countries that may be havens for terrorist activity. He has always made human rights a priority in foreign relations with Africa and around the world.
Biographical Information
Russ Feingold
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Mar/2/1953
Gender: male
Place of Origin: United States
Russ Feingold was born and grew up in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Feingold completed his undergrad at University of Wisconsin with a Bachelor of the Arts with honors in 1975. In 1977 he went for another degree at Oxford University.
In 1979 he graduated from Harvard Law School.
Feingold was a practicing attorney in Madison, Wisconsin from 1979-1985.
Elected to the state senate in 1982 and re elected in 1986 and 1990.
Feingold was elected to US senate in 1992; re elected in 1998 and 2004.

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