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Patrick Alubbe


Country Director Kenya WaterPartners International Kenya Liaison Office. Kisumu, Kenya.

More by user: B4nafter
Created: 11th Dec 2008
Modified: 11th Dec 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
WaterPartners International
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

History with WaterPartners

Patrick first became involved with WaterPartners through his work with Sustainable aid in Africa (SANA), one of our Kenya Partner Organizations. Alubbe joined WaterPartners as the Country Director for Kenya in March 2006.

Commitment to WaterPartners International

WaterPartners envisions a day when everyone in the world can take safe drink of water and it is on these grounds that I realize that water is life and every human being has a right to it in the right quantity, but this is far from being achieved. Our mothers and sisters who are the main water haulers in our families still travel long distances in search of water, spending their precious time looking for water rather than concentrating on other productive activities needed for the well-being of their families. That is why I have committed myself to work with WaterPartners International to see to it that the burden is eased for our mothers and Sisters.

Biographical Information
Patrick Alubbe
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Kenya

Patrick has 19 years experience in Water and Sanitation Sector; he has worked both in the Public and private sectors in Kenya.

While in the Public sector he was with the Ministry of Water Development under Planning and Design department where he gained experience on Designs, Management and Operations of the Water Supply Schemes.

He joined the Giant Kenya – Netherlands Rural Domestic Water Supply Programme, (K-NRDWSSP) a bilateral programme working in the water sector with the main objective of facilitating the needy access to safe and clean water. In the programme Patrick rose to the rank of Regional Progamme Manager where he was able to facilitate over 150 communities gain access to Water and sanitation facilities.

Patrick joins Water Partners International from one of their Partners Organizations, Sustainable aid in Africa (SANA), which a local NGO is working in the WatSan Sector with its headquarters at Kisumu found in the Western Part of Kenya.

While at SANA Patrick was responsible of coordinating the technical activities, designing and planning for the products, Supervision of staffs’ input, Quality control, and Project proposal development. He was a member of the management team deputizing the Team leader. Patrick has special interest in Low Cost Water Supply and Appropriate Sanitation technologies including the Ecological sanitation.

During the period He was able to participate in the development of the Lake Victoria South Strategic plan, which is the main Institution charged with management of water activities in the region, which was formed as a result of the ongoing water sector reforms in Kenya, preparation of the drought cycle management tool Kit for the Dry-lands of the greater horn of Africa, National Flood cycle management strategy and was part of the team examining water governance issues in East Africa with the Global Water Partner whose headquarters are in Entebbe, Uganda.

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