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Tamunobarabi Gogo Ibulubo

Tamunobarabi Gogo Ibulubo is an ace journalist,a poet, a story-teller and a writer.He has collected 52 poems for a poetry book entitled 'poking the eyes of innocence and other poems'.Some of the poems are widely published in e-journals and e-poetry magazines. He is working to get a paper cover for the poems and his first fictional novel; Dying Voices of Gongs.

More by user: tamsgogo
Created: 20th Oct 2008
Modified: 19th Nov 2009
Professional Information
Rivers State Television

Biographical Information
Tamunobarabi Gogo Ibulubo
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: May/11/1972
Gender: male
  City: Port Harcourt
Website: http://www.afr...
Place of Origin: Nigeria

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United States, Media, Nigeria
Government, Renewable Energy, Nigeria
Nigeria, Art