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Ryan Gosling

United States

Ryan Gosling is an Academy Award nominated actor and activist. He is currently writing and producing a film on child soliders in Northern Uganda.

More by user: esmith
Created: 9th Jul 2008
Modified: 9th Jul 2008
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Gosling appereared in television series such as Young Hercules, Goosebumps and Breaker High. In 2001 his fame spread to the US after his role in the controversial film The Believer. He later appeared in films Remember the Titans, The Slaughter Rule and Murder by Numbers.

In 2004 he starred in the romantic drama The Notebook. In 2006 Gosling starred in the film Half Nelson playing a drug addicted middle school teacher in Brooklyn. The role earned him an academy award nomination. A year later Gosling was nominated for a golden globe for his role in the film Lars and the Real Girl. In January 2008 Courtney Love announced that Gosling will portray her former husband Kurt Cobain in his upcoming biofilm.

Gosling became active in humanitarian work alongside friend and advisor John Prendergast who is a former director of African Affairs in the Clinton administration's National Security Council. Of his humanitarian work Gosling says he is not involved in any charities specifically. He says, "I went to the Dafur refugee camps in Chad and I saw the conditions of those camps and I started to learn about these child soliders in Northern Uganda and Joseph Kony in the Lords Resistance Army (LRA) and all these thing and for me I can't believe it...the more I learned the crazier it got." After his initial visit to the Dafur refugee camps in Chad, Gosling teamed up with Prendergast committed to spreading the word and urging people to write to their congressmen so the US becomes involved to bringing peace to the region. He believes we can all be part of a huge change. Gosling believes this work is important so that the people of the conflicted regions can see that we care about their lives, that it is an issue that is important to us. He says of his experience, "it really opened my eyes and follows me around. I feel some responsibility to that experience and to those people I met."

Gosling and Prendergast took another trip to Northern Uganda together where Gosling conducted research on child soliders for a film he is producing.

Biographical Information
Ryan Gosling
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Nov/12/1980
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Canada
Gosling grew up in Cornwall Ontario in a mormon household where he was home schooled by his mother. The family later relocated to Burlington, Ontario where Gosling attended Lester B. Pearson High School.

After performing as a singer in talent contests, in January 1993 Gosling attended an open audition in Montreal for the TV series "The Mickey Mouse Club." Gosling beat 17,000 other aspiring actors and earned a spot on the show. Gosling received no formal acting training after the Club and quickly segued into a professional acting career.

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