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Bockari Kortu Stevens


Current Ambassador of Sierra Leone to the United States (2008 - present).

More by user: klucy
Created: 8th Jul 2008
Modified: 10th Jul 2008
Professional Information
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Description of Work:
Stevens graduated from the University of Sierra Leone, majoring in Political Science and History, and holds a degree in Refugee Studies from the University of East London, as well  as a post-graduate diploma in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management.

He took interest in humanitarian work in 1993 when he traveled to London to work with the Children’s Society Refugee and Homelessness Team. After attending University in the city, he went on to a job with the Southwark Action for Voluntary Organisations (SAVO), a community-based policy and networking organization out of London until he was appointed to the role of Ambassador to the U.S.

Other diplomatic roles mark his career. When Brigadier Joseph S. Momoh replaced Siaka Stevens as President of Sierra Leone in 1985, Bockari was named Ambassador to Guinea, Mali, Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde, a position which he held from 1986-1992. Besides his position in the U.S., he also represents his country to the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Canada, and four other countries in Central and South America.

He is recognized for his contribution to the comeback of the All People's Congress, the political party which won Sierra Leone's elections in 2007 and a party with which he has been involved since a young age as the founder of the APC's National Youth League.

Source: Cocorioko Newspaper

Photo source: University of East London
Biographical Information
Bockari Kortu Stevens
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Sierra Leone
Bockari Kortu Stevens was born in Moyamba in the southern region of Sierra Leone. He is the nephew of the late Dr. Siaka Probyn Stevens, former President of Sierra Leone. He became Ambassador to the United States in March of 2008.

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Foreign Service/Diplomacy, Policy, ...
Soccer, Senegal
Soccer, Senegal
Government, Sudan
Government, Sierra Leone