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Mohamed Djaanfari


Mohamed Djaanfari (born 1952) is a politician in The Comoros.

More by user: miba
Created: 12th Jun 2008
Modified: 12th Jun 2008
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Description of Work:
Mohamed Djaanfari is a retired French air force officer, local transportation tycoon and vice-president of the Assembly of the Union of the Comoros. He contested the 2006 presidential elections and ended up losing easily to Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi. He received only 13.65% of the national vote on 14 May 2006, compared to Sambi's 58.02%.
Biographical Information
Mohamed Djaanfari
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Interests: Politique, Economie, Sport, Art
Place of Origin: Comoros

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