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Sylvester Kimaiyo


Program Manager AMPATH

More by user: chesson
Created: 20th May 2008
Modified: 20th May 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Education, Health
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Description of Work:
Sylvester J. N. Kimaiyo is program manager of the Academic Model of Prevention and Treatment of HIV/AIDS (AMPATH) at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) and Moi University School of Medicine in Eldoret, Kenya. Dr. Kimaiyo is a lecturer at Moi University and Consultant Physician to MTRH, and was a recipient of a Merck fellowship to study clinical pharmacology at Indiana University in 2000-2001. During Kimaiyo's tenure, the Indiana-Moi partnership that created AMPATH responded to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in 2001 by creating one of the largest and most comprehensive HIV/AIDS control systems in sub-Saharan Africa, treating more than 60,000 HIV-positive patients at 18 sites in both urban and rural Kenya, feeding 30,000 people weekly and providing more than 4,000 patients with income security services. Dr. Kimaiyo has bachelor's and master's degrees in medicine from the University of Nairobi and has lectured widely and co-authored numerous articles on the challenges of providing HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa. (
Biographical Information
Sylvester Kimaiyo
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Kenya

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Travel, Kenya
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Kenya, Athletics
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