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Sharon Vincent Avorkliya


Sharon is a Broadcast Journalist working with the UN Radio in Liberia. The familiarity of the name "Sharon" makes her a celebrity for many Liberians.

More by user: bfofana
Created: 25th Mar 2008
Modified: 26th Mar 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
UN Radio - Liberia
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Sharon has had more then ten years of radio experience dating back at the nation's own Liberia Broadcasting System (LBS). She now produces and presents a number of programs for the UN Radio.

The uniqueness of her voice and the sense of humor her programs carry lighten up the day of a lot of people who tune in across the country, as the UN Radio in Liberia has a national coverage. Sharon co - presents a popular early morning show called "Yor Morning" ,also a typical Liberian greeting for that time of the day. One Observer noticed that "her early morning jokes and laughers awaken the country"

Her program touches a wide range of subjects ranging from female empowerment, to tips for the heavy Monrovia traffic.

Biographical Information
Sharon Vincent Avorkliya
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jun/24/1973
Interests: Journalism, being with kids, reading
  City: Monrovia
Place of Origin: Liberia

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