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Georgette Koko


Georgette Koko is the Vice Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the Environment in Gabon.

More by user: gouaf
Created: 8th Mar 2008
Modified: 8th Mar 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Government of Gabon
Minister in Charge of the Environment
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Koko is a native of Makokou, a town in the northeastern part of Gabon. With an educational background in geography and coastal managment, Koko has a long career in the environmental sector.

In 2004 she was appointed advisor to the minister of the environment. Two years later, she rose to her current position of Vice Prime Minister in charge of environmental affairs. As such, she is the highest ranking woman in the executive branch.

Among many key challenges, she has to formulate a plan  that addresses environmental concerns in managing the Belinga iron mining project.

Biographical Information
Georgette Koko
(At a Glance)
  City: Libreville
Place of Origin: Gabon

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