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Youssou N’Dour

Singer and performer

More by user: auto system
Created: 7th Feb 2008
Modified: 7th Feb 2008
Professional Information
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Description of Work:
The sounds of Youssou N’Dour has become a force throughout the Continent and the world. An artist reknowned for tackling social issues, he became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in April 1991. Many of us know will remember him too for his outstanding duet with Neneh Cherrie in 1994 with the hit "Seven Seconds".

"N’Dour’s music reaches audiences that are unprecedented for an African performer. Along with this exposure comes a welcome responsibility: to speak out, often more effectively than is possible for a politician or professional campaigner, for mutual respect among peoples and for children’s rights to survival, protection and development".  -

Biographical Information
Youssou N’Dour
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Senegal

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Computer Science, Senegal, South Africa
Senegal, Soccer
Music, United States, Cameroon
Senegal, Soccer
Seychelles, Soccer, Senegal