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Italy : ISMEA (Institute for Studies Information and Researches on Agri-Food Market)

Mission Statement
ISMEA - Institute for Study, Research and Information on Agricultural and Agrifood Market - is a public institute connected to the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and appointed to carry out studies, conduct researches and provide information on the production and marketing of food and agricultural products.

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HeadQuarters: Via Nomentana, 183 00152 Roma - ITA
Organization Contacts
  • No contacts provided.

Organization Details

ISMEA's mission can be  outlined as:

  • to provide support for the policy-makers and administration about the orientation and the trends of agricultural sector;
  • to provide information and services to public and private companies involved in the processing and marketing of agrifood products;
  • to carry out promotional and empowering services in order to favour the trade of agrifood products in national and international markets;
  • to carry out support and channelling services for designing of development programmes.


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