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United States : Religious Working Group on the World Bank and IMF

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Organization Details
An informal coalition of representatives from faith communities.About 35 people representing religious denominations, institutions, and organizations meet monthly or more often to shape RWG strategy. Meetings are held in Washington D.C. but several people have participated through conference calls or stay in touch through regular or electronic mail. We function as a coalition without a staff, not as an organization, and welcome new participants. Participants in Religious Working Group meetings and activities have often included: Africa Faith and Justice Network; American Friends Service Committee; Augustinian Foreign Missions; Bread for the World; Campaignfor a Moral Economy; Center of Concern; Church World Service; Columban Justice and Peace Office; Disciples of Christ/United Church of Christ. Joint Ministry in Africa; EPICA; 50 Years is Enough Network; Franciscan Mission Service; Franciscans international; Franciscans' Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation; Groundwork; Kairos USA; Maryknoll Sisters Office of Social Concerns; Maryknoll Society Office of Global Concerns; Medical Mission Sisters' Alliance for Justice; Mennonite Central Committee Washington Office; Missionaries of Africa; Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate; Missionaries of Africa; NETWORK; Network for Environmental and Economic Responsibility of the United Church of Christ ;Nicaragua-U.S. Friendship Office; North American Coalition on Religion and Ecology; Oblates of Mary lmmaculate; Pax Christi USA; Peru Peace Network; Religious Task Force on Central America and Mexico; Sisters of the Holy Cross; Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur; Society of St Ursula; Sojourners; United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society: United Methodist Church, Women's Division; US Catholic Conference, International Justice and Peace Office; Witness for Peace.
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