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Saran Kaba Jones

United States

Saran Kaba is the 26 year old Founder and Executive Director at FACE Africa, a nonprofit working to bring innovative and results based nonprofit programs to communities in Africa.

More by user: saran
Created: 8th Apr 2009
Modified: 8th Apr 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
FACE Africa
Founder/ Executive Director
Working primarily in:

Biographical Information
Saran Kaba Jones
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jun/21/1982
Gender: female
Place of Origin: Liberia

Saran Kaba Jones founded the organization in 2007 to bring innovative
and results based nonprofit programs to Liberia. FACE Africa
accomplishes this by partnering with organizations with proven track
records, and then replicating their programs in the communities that
can most benefit from them. The organization’s priority areas are
education, health services, technology and clean water.

In February 2009, FACE Africa was selected by Procter & Gamble to
distribute the company's point-of-use water treatment flocculent in
Liberia. The flocculent, known as PUR, is an invention that quickly
turns 10 liters of dirty, potentially deadly water into clean,
drinkable water. Poor water and sanitation systems remain a major
problem in Liberia. The war compounded the sufferings of millions of
Liberians who, even before the war, had little or no access to basic
human needs such as safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

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United States, Computer Science
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United States