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Center for Economic Justice

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HeadQuarters: Center for Economic Justice 733 15th St., NW, Suite 928 Washington, DC 20005 e-mail:
Organization Contacts

Organization Details
The Center for Economic Justice (CEJ) was born in June 1999 in response to requests from the Platform to Advocate Alternative Development in Haiti (PAPDA) and indigenous communities in Chiapas, Mexico. Both groups wanted U.S. activist support to complement their efforts by (1) working for policy changes in institutions based in the global North; (2) improving coordination between global justice groups in the North and South, including better means for sharing information, strategies, and tactics; and (3) assisting global South organizations with access to resources, technology, policy debates, grassroots partners, and media opportunities in the global North. (CEJ) mission is to strengthen international movements that counter corporate-driven globalization, to promote more just policy alternatives, and to support the people most directly and negatively impacted, especially those in the global South, helping them gain political power and technical and funding support in their struggles for environmentally healthy, human-centered, and sustainable economies. CEJ provides information, analysis, technical support, networking opportunities, and strategy vehicles to empower, unite, and inform citizens’ movements for economic justice. CEJ also links global South networks with U.S. community groups, activists, and policy advocates, with the goal of inspiring and strengthening cooperation. World Bank Bonds Boycott: CEJ serves as the coordinator for both the International Committee and for the U.S. base of the World Bank Bonds Boycott. In collaboration with groups from 35 global South countries and the U.S., CEJ launched the boycott in April 2000. Since that time, the campaign has organized more than 55 city councils, socially responsible investors, churches, foundations, and unions to adopt the boycott. Additional campaigns—combining public education, movement building, and advocacy—are underway in 12 U.S. cities, and on more than 50 campuses and 5 continents.CEJ is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization with offices in Washington, D.C., and Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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