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More by user: bluezy91pentprod
Created: 11th Sep 2009
Modified: 11th Sep 2009

Najoe Baba's philosophical take on life, relationships and family background colours his style of AfroDance hall/hip hop. his also a song writter/producer/singer from Akwa Ibom state's catchy tunes killer hooks and real talk,tell the true story of life on the street whether it's happy, sad or even angry. he shares his street sermon ttrough his music.
Nse Aabas, Joseph, better known as Najoe Baba joined braideO!Soundlab in 2004 and has been working his debut album, while mastering other tricks of the trade like song writting,production and honing his performing skill at different events like the cross River state christmass festival. He has also performed live on several different television/radio shows.His songs "chewing gum" "calypso" and tango city"are run away hits within the niche market he has carved out himself. his sermons resonate deep within the soul of his listeners,while his cleverly crafted hooks become the refrain that plays endlessly in one's head refuse to go away for days and days.This personable Aries is astrong beleiver in moderation and basic equality of all human souls. a deep thinker , he keeps silent most of the time and save the outpouring of his soul for his music and his larger audience. 












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