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Goodluck Jonathan

Former Vice President, Jonathan, is the current President of Nigeria. Sworn in as vice president on 29 May 2007 Jonathan and Yar'Adua are members of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party.

More by user: esmith
Created: 23rd Jun 2008
Modified: 20th Jul 2010
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Goodluck has been appointed as the Acting President in February 2010. Before this he was the Vice President of Nigeria. Goodluck Jonathan served as the Governor of Baylsa State from 9 December 2005 to 28 May 2007. As Governor Jonathan replaced Governor Diepreye Alamieyeseigha who was impeached after charges of laundering money in the United Kingdom. In December 2006 Jonthan was chosen as a running mate to presidential candidate Umaru Yar'Adua for the People's Democratic Party ticket. Opposition parties and independent observers said that the vote was rigged and marred by ballot box stuffing and illegal acts committed by electoral officials. Shortly after the disputed victory of the candidacy, militants blew up Jonathan's country home in Otu-Eke, Bayelsa State. Jonathan was not present at the time of the attack however, two policemen were killed.

Biographical Information
Goodluck Jonathan
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Nov/20/1957
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Nigeria

Jonathan attended Mater Dei High School and graduated in 1975.  Two years later he was admitted as a student of Zoology at the University of Port Harcourt.  He graduated in 1981 with a Bachelor of Science.  Jonathan later went on to pursure a post graduate degree in Hydrobiology and Fisheries Biology at Uniport in 1985.  He finally got a docterate degree in Zoology from the same University in 1995.

Topical Focus  » Goodluck Jonathan

Debating Nigeria's Future and the Upcoming Polls

A series of AllAfrica interviews, guest columns and other articles debating the country's future and the prospects for the 2011 elections, with a special focus on U.S.-Nigeria relations.

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Nigeria, Malaysia, Policy
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