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Kenya : Forced Migration In Eastern Africa: Democratization, Structural Adjustment, And Refugees (2006)
Forced Migration In Eastern Africa: Democratization, Structural Adjustment, And Refugees (2006)

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Created: 7th May 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Cassandra R. Veney
Palgrave Macmillan

Forced Migration in Eastern Africa: Democratization, Structural Adjustment, and Refugees (Non-Fiction)
by Cassandra R. Veney

Palgrave Macmillan (December 12, 2006) USD$65.00(hardcover)

This study enriches understanding of East Africa’s refugee situation by examining the conditions that gave rise to it and how the refugees themselves sought to reconstruct their lives. Focusing on the 1990s, Veney compares Kenya and Tanzania, two nations that did not generate many refugees, but become important hosts for the general region. Veney argues that the restrictive refugee policies that were adopted in Tanzania and Kenya were a direct product of liberalization and democratization, the result of two nations forced to clarify their refugee policies at a time of immense internal political and socioeconomic transformation.

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