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Ol Pejeta Conservancy

More by user: dpinkenya
Created: 14th Mar 2009
Modified: 14th Mar 2009
30% expensive

The Ol Pejeta Conservancy is an important “not-for-profit” wildlife conservancy in the Laikipia District of Kenya and the largest sanctuary for black rhinos in East Africa.

Our mission statement reads as follows:
The Ol Pejeta Conservancy works to conserve wildlife, provide a sanctuary for great apes and to generate income through wildlife tourism and complementary enterprises for re-investment in conservation and community development.

Working closely with the Government of Kenya, our conservation activities are carried out to the highest international standards.

Our revenue generating enterprises include world-class wildlife tourism and a fully integrated livestock production system.

All surplus internally generated revenues are used in conjunction with donor funds to support an extensive community outreach programme, and to sustain conservation initiatives beyond our boundaries.

In summary the Ol Pejeta Conservancy aims to develop as a financially self-sustaining and innovative model that achieves conservation in a manner that produces tangible social benefit at both a local and national level.

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