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Legislative, South Africa, ...

A high court has dismissed an urgent application by opposition parties to force parliament to debate a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma before going into end of year recess.

In a historic move for the Anglican church, Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya has been ordained as the first female Anglican bishop in Africa.

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Chief Operating officer for Sub-Saharan Consulting Group (SSCG)
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Dr. Alvera Mukabaramba is Rwandan politician. She is a member of the Party of Progress and Concord.
Prosper Higiro is a Rwandan politician. He is a candidate in Rwanda's 2010 presidential elections.
Bernard Ntaganda is a Rwandan politician. He is the President of Parti Social-Imberakuri. He is running as a presidential candidate...
Frank Habineza is the founder and chairman of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, formed in August 2009 in Rwanda...
Victoire Umuhoza Ingabire is a Rwandan politician. She is the Chairperson of the United Democratic Forces. She is also a...
Lieutenant General Faustin Kayumba Nyamwasa is a former Rwandan military official. He served as Rwanda's High Commissioner to India from...
All Africa Global Media Intern
Former AGEUNR (Association Generale des Etudiants de l'Universite Nationale du Rwanda) guild President for the periode of 2005-2006.Jean Baptiste Nsengiyumva...