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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Browse listings of different things to do where you live, if you are in Africa, or any attractions that you visited, if you toured any country in Africa. Find existing listings.

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Located east of the Rift Valley in the Kenyan Highlands, Mt. Kenya, an extinct volcanos, serves as an imposing figure...
Covering 4,560 hectacres of grasslands, plains, mountains, and forests, Mlilwane Wildlife sanctuary offers everything an outdoor adventurer could desire.? From...
The Karera Falls and surrounding trails provide some of the best glimpses of unspoiled, natural Burundi.?
This is the only park in Burundi located in a mountainous region and is one of the most popular ecotourism...
The Entoto Mountains that rises up to 3,300 feet above sea level. You can take a bus or taxi to...
Go gorilla trekking in this beautiful park. Tourists spend between 1 and 4 hours in the park looking for, and...
Set aside a whole day to take a hike through the ribeiras.? You can meet local people along the way...
Mount Fogo is the highest peak in Cape Verde, rising nearly 3,000 meters above sea level.? It is still active...
Find a guide with a sturdy car or jeep and travel along the lower ridge to Mt. Cameroon to search...
A beautiful park that is home to many species of wildlife, including elephants and manatees.? The park is quite diverse,...