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Geoffrey Quinton Michael Doidge

South Africa

Minister of Public Works

More by user: aismail
Created: 12th May 2009
Modified: 12th May 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Government of South Africa
Minister of Public Works
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Biographical Information
Geoffrey Quinton Michael Doidge
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Apr/26/1954
Place of Origin: South Africa

Current Positions

    * Minister of Public Works of the Republic of South Africa since 11 May 2009.
    * Chairperson of the Committee of Chairpersons.
    * Member of the National Assembly Rules Committee.
    * Member of the Joint Rules Committee.
    * Member of the National Assembly Programme Committee.
    * Member of Joint Programme Committee.
    * Member of Parliamentary Budget Forum.
    * ANC Whips Committee since 1994.
    * Member of the ANC Governance Committee in the Parliament.

Career/Positions/Memberships/Other Activities

    * Chairperson of the African National Congress (ANC) Kokstad Branch (1991 - 1995).
    * Member of Parliament (27 April 1994 - 13 June 1999).
    * Deputy Chief Whip of the Majority Party (14 June 1999 - 6 May 2002).
    * Chairperson of Committees (7 May 2002 - 23 June 2004).
    * Served on the following Committees: Finance, Public Accounts, Land Affairs, Public Enterprises, Rules Committee and National Assembly Programme       Committee.
    * ANC Whip of Programming, Debates and House Cluster.
    * Chief Whips of Forum since inception.
    * Founding member of the ANC Strategy Team.
    * Deployed to the Mount Ayliff Constituency.
    * Convenor of the Task Team on the Remuneration of Public Office Bearers (Moseneke Task Team).

    * Founding Member and Deputy Chairperson of Kokstad Civic Association (1991 - 1995).
    * Founding Member and Chairperson of East Griqualand and Transkei Development Forum.
    * Founding Member and Chairperson of East Griqualand and Transkei Housing, Development and Services Forum.
    * Member of Kokstad Local Affairs Committee (1992 - 1994).
    * Member of the African National Congress Transkei Regional Executive from (1992 - 1995)
    * Head of the Local Government Desk (1992 - 1995)
    * Deployed to Sub Region D (Lusikisiki, Bizana, Flagstaff, Kokstad, Umzimkulu, Mt Ayliff, Mt Frere, Tabankulu, Maluti and Mt Fletcher).
    * Member of the ANC Legislature and Governance Committee.
    * Ex Officio member of the Alfred Nzo Region Officials meeting, Regional Working Committee and Regional Executive Committee.
    * Served on the Political Committee (2007).
    * Served on numerous sporting bodies, civic organisations and community based organisation.
    * Minister of Public Works of the Republic of South Africa (25 September 2008 - 10 May 2009).

Source: Ministry of Public Works

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