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Cameroon : The Social Impact Of The Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline: How Industrial Development Affects Gender Relations, Land Tenure, And Local Culture (2007)
The Social Impact Of The Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline: How Industrial Development Affects Gender Relations, Land Tenure, And Local Culture (2007)

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Created: 29th May 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Joyce B. Endeley and Fondo Sikod
Edwin Mellen Press

The Social Impact of the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline: How Industrial Development Affects Gender Relations, Land Tenure, and Local Culture (2007) (Non-Fiction)
by Joyce B. Endeley and Fondo Sikod
Edwin Mellen Press


This study explores the concepts of globalization, gender relations, and land tenure, and the intersection of these concepts in a globalizing project, hereby represented by the Chad-Cameroon Oil Pipeline project in selected communities in Cameroon. It questions the theories of globalization, the construction of women and men in the project, particularly as concern land resources. This work will appeal to scholars in social and management sciences, gender studies and environmental sciences in Africa, development agencies and multinational companies like the World Bank and petroleum consortiums, and policy makers.

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