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Peter Nwangwu


Prof Peter Nwangwu - African Democratic Congress (ADC). A presidential candidate in Nigeria's 2011 elections.

More by user: B4nafter
Created: 3rd Mar 2011
Modified: 19th Jun 2011
Professional Information

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Biographical Information
Peter Nwangwu
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Nigeria

Peter Nwangwu is a professor of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacy, executive assistant to the vice chancellor, University of Nigeria, Nsukka in which capacity he serves as the chief development officer of the university. Nwangwu has won many international awards in the United States, including "2005 Ronald Reagan Gold Medal" by the National Republican Congressional Committee; "2005 Man of the year," by the American Biographical Institute; "Businessman of the year 2005," by the US Business Advisory Council, and "The 2006 Congressional Medal of Distinction."
He also serves as President and Chief Executive officer of the University of Nigeria Research and Economic Development (UNRED) foundation -

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Nigeria, Soccer
Government, Nigeria
Nigeria, Soccer
United Kingdom, Nigeria