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Muhammadu Buhari


Muhammadu Buhari was the military ruler of Nigeria (December 31, 1983 - August 27, 1985) and an unsuccessful candidate for president in the April 19, 2003 presidential election.

More by user: Eds
Created: 17th Jan 2011
Modified: 3rd Mar 2011
Professional Information

Biographical Information
Muhammadu Buhari
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Dec/17/1942
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Nigeria


Born in Daura, Katsina State, on 17 December 1942
Attended Primary School in Daura and Mai'adua, 1948-1952
Attended Katsina Model School in 1953 and Katsina Provincial Secondary School (now Government College Katsina) from 1956-1961.
Joined the then Nigerian Military Training School, Kaduna in 1963.
Attended Officer's Cadet School in Aldershot (United Kingdom), October 1963
Attended Platoon Commanders' Course at the Nigerian Military College, Kaduna, 1964
Attended the Mechanical Transport Officer's Course at the Army Mechanical Transport School in Borden (United Kingdom) 1965
Studied at the Defense Services' Staff College, Wellington (India), 1973
Attended the United States Army War College, June 1979 to June 1980.
Military Career & Appointments

Platoon Commander, 2nd Infantry Battalion, 1963-1964;
Mechanical Transport Officer, Lagos Garrison, 1964-1965;
Transport Company Commander, 2nd Infantry Brigade, 1965-1966;
Battalion Adjutant/Commander, 2nd Infantry Brigade, 1966-1967;
Brigade Major, 2nd Sector, 1st Infantry Division, April to July, 1967;
Brigade Major, 3rd Infantry Division, August 1967 - October 1968;
Acting Commander, 4th Sector, 1st Division, November 1968 - February 1970;
Commander, 31st Infantry Brigade, 1st Infantry Division, February 1970 - June 1971;
Assistant Adjutant-General, 1st Infantry Division Headquarters, July 1971 - December 1972;
Colonel, General Staff, 3rd Infantry Division Headquarters, January 1974 - September 1974;
Acting Director Supply and Transport, Nigeria Army Corps Headquarters, September 1974 - July 1975;
Military Governor, North Eastern State of Nigeria, August 1975 - March 1976;
Federal Commissioner for Petroleum Resources, March 1976 - June 1978;
Chairman, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, June 1978 - July 1978;
Military Secretary, Army Headquarters, July 1978 - June 1979;
Member, Supreme Military Council, July 1978 - June 1979;
General Officer Commanding, 4th Infantry Division, August 1980 - January 1981;
General Officer Commanding, 3rd Armoured Division, November 1981 - December 1983;
Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces, December 1983 - August 1985.
Executive Chairman of the Petroleum (Special) Trust Fund (PTF), 21 March 1995 - May 1999.

Awards and Medals

GCFR: Grand Commander of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
DSM: Defense Service Medal
NSM: National Service Medal
GSM: General Service Medal
LSGCM: Loyal Service and Good Conduct Medal
FSS: Forces Service Star
CM: The Congo Medal

Honorary Doctorate Degrees

10 December 1994: Honorary Doctor of Science degree (honoris causa) conferred on Buhari by Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi.

21 December 1996: Honorary Doctor of Letters degree (honoris causa) conferred on Buhari by the University of Calabar.

6 June 1998: Honorary Doctor of Law degree (honoris causa) conferred on Buhari by Benue State University.


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