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Mwiine Derrick


Mwiine Derrick is the youngest Ugandan environmentalist, born 12/Sept/1996, fighting to stop climate change in his country by mobilizing rural women & youth to plant trees in every part of his country. He is currently rallying the entire Ugandan population to love, unite, respect and preserve their country Uganda irrespective of their social, economic, political and spiritual differences created by both colonial and political leaders of Uganda. Since 1962 there have been a lot of skirmishes and political turmoil created by bad leadership based on tribalism, political mismanagement, corruption, religious differences, civil wars, and military adventures which left the Uganda deeply divided on almost on everything. Despite his tender age Derrick has managed to mobilize political adversaries for a common good of Ugandan nationalism.

More by user: bukindom
Created: 4th Sep 2010
Modified: 4th Sep 2010
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Environmental activist
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

       A nationalist

 A Human rights activist

An  environmentalist

Biographical Information
Mwiine Derrick
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Sep/12/1996
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Africa




Mwiine Derrick, the youngest Ugandan environmentalist, born 12/Sept/1996 is fighting to stop climate change in his country by mobilizing rural women & youth to plant trees in every part of his country.

Mwiine Derrick is always jolly & cheerful! He is very passionate about his motherland, Uganda. He is inspirational, and mature in reasoning. Derrick has mastered the promotional skills of marketing his country to foreigners. He will tell your about the tourist attractions, the fresh food, the hospitality of Ugandans, The Ugandan culture & entertainment, the good climate and he will go ahead to assure of your safety & security while in Uganda. He will also encourage you to invest in his country. He is an amazing boy who is very confident.

Mwiine Derrick who is Africa’s youngest environmental activist  has donated more than eight thousand tree seedlings (8000) 60% being fruit tree seedlings to rural communities in his country, Uganda. Mwiine Derrick is currently germinating over twenty thousand (20000) seedlings fruit trees which he wants to offer to institutions like schools, colleges, churches, and hospitals.

Mwiine Derrick has been on sensitization campaign starting with 2010 where thousands of Ugandans more especially the youth above 18 years signed his petition to the speaker of Parliament demanding to compel the government of the republic of Uganda to make Uganda the greenest country in the whole world by planting trees in every part of the country. It’s very interesting that hundreds of non Ugandans across the world also sign the petition online to support the Ugandan effort. Mwiine Derrick hopes to convince his government to do the following:

1-Plant fruits on both sides of all the roads in his country Uganda

2-To extend electricity to all rural areas of Uganda and make it affordable for the poor communities

3-To plant trees on all bare mountains in Uganda

4-To regulate the cutting down of trees on private farms

5-To compel local leaders in Uganda to provide the number of all trees to a national data centre at least twice a year.

6- To make it mandatory for every Uganda who is five years and above to plant at least twenty four trees each year.

7-To use government security agencies to protect all public trees on public land from being cut anyhow

8- To secure a government nursery garden in every county in Uganda where to raise tree seedlings

Climate change will mostly affect the poorest people in the world, who don’t have the capacity to respond and adapt to such rapid environmental change, yet they are historically the least responsible for its causes. It’s very important to note that a 13 year old African is spearheading a campaign to end deforestation, preserve old-growth forests, conserve, and sustainably manage other forests; Africa and the entire world should maintain climatic systems and commence the age of ecological restoration. Uganda should be hailed for environmental mobilization.




1-Derrick in international media


Derrick's Petition online for international community




Lad uses music to fight warlord




Teen with eyes on prize




10- Derrick’s Christian songs:





Derrick’s works




12-Derrick in pictures






Derrick’s Video clips on Uganda:

Media in Uganda-

Safety & security in Uganda-

The economy of Uganda-

Kampala Serena Hotel

Munyonyo commonwealth resort

Hotel Protea Kampala

Culture in Uganda

Uganda wildlife Authority

Derrick’s video on parliament





Derrick on world climate change




Mwiine Derrick on tree planting activism


More People

Africa, United States, Education
Online, Kenya
Soccer, Senegal
Uganda, Government