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Isedora Lewis

I am now living in New Zealand, but am always looking for anything that leads back to my own roots. I now a qualified counsellor, Martial arts instructor and am also back at post graduate study.

More by user: izzynz
Created: 26th Aug 2010
Modified: 26th Aug 2010
Professional Information
Growing PaiNZ

Description of Work:
I dont work in any of the areas or countries in that above selection. I'm in New Zealand, Specifically in Auckland. I am a counsellor and also do Advocacy when needed.
Biographical Information
Isedora Lewis
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Sep/10/1982
Gender: female
Place of Origin: Namibia
I was born in Walvisbaai, and in the years following lived in Walvisbaai, South Africa and now New Zealand. (And that is a lot of travel to do when so young) I have settled happily in this area of the world but do miss the weather(I swear New Zealand can feel like the south pole its so cold here). I have, since leaving Walvisbaai, become a counsellor(I gradutaed from my degree last year) and have since returned to get my masters in the same qualification. I am also a Bujutsu(Martial Arts)student and instructor with Fudoshin Ryu Bujutsu Inc. here in New Zealand.
Shodan - 2005 Nidan - 2009 Bach. of Social Practice - Counselling - 2009 Certficate in Catering Craft - 2003 City and Guilds Diploma - 2003

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