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Agnes L Horton

Agnes is an ambitious young Liberian woman who is keen on making her impact felt in post war Liberia through her work in the health sector

More by user: bfofana
Created: 2nd Apr 2009
Modified: 6th Jan 2010
Professional Information
PMU Interlife - Liberia
Clinical Supervisor
Working primarily in:

Biographical Information
Agnes L Horton
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Oct/19/1981
Gender: female
Place of Origin: Liberia

Agnes is a graduate (Magna Cum Laude) of the Mother Patern College of Health Sciences - Stella Maris Polytechnic with a bachelor's degree in professional nursing. Since her graduation, she has served in various capacities starting out as an Ambulance Nurse in Liberia's central town of Gbarnga with the international medical NGO, Medicins du Monde.

She now works as Clinical Supervisor with PMU Interlife -Liberia, where she oversees clinics run by PMU in Montserrado and Bomi counties.

She's also a freelance writer for the Liberia Tarvel and Life Magazine. She loves writing short stories, poems and songs. The latter she does in her quiet times. She's aspiring to expand her singing career from a chorister  in her church to a professional level.


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Liberia, Administration
Liberia, Administration
Online, Liberia