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karen Leigh

Not particularly polliticly active but have recently become involved in the labour movement through my union. Family and strenghening of the family my own and others is important to me

More by user: karen collins
Created: 11th Jan 2009
Modified: 11th Jan 2009
Professional Information
registered proffessional nurse(neonatal intensive care)
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Description of Work:

I look after premtue babies from 26 weeks  till discharge ,We allso have facilities for  children up to 12 who need icu.Care needed ranges from full life support to  basic nursery for Growing ,maturing babies.It is a very  modern and well equipped unit We take patient from all over africa who are flown in by mercy flights Alot of my work involves supporting distressed parents and educating them in their childs illness and care

Biographical Information
karen Leigh
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jun/18/1966
Gender: female
Place of Origin: South Africa

I am a married  white south african who has been divorced twice.Family and family growth is there for of much importance to myself and husband We have 5 kids ranging from 21 to 8 and this is no easy challenge!!!!!

I am an intensive care neonatal nurse ,working in a private hospital.Getting involved in my union seemed to be a turning point for my career and political sensibilities.I have recently dropped hours (thank u Luke) to pursue a bcom in human relations.

My stong sence of justice  and equality has been frustrated in the corporate world and I hope to make a difference either by being  a genuine bridge between labour and management or by joining ccma or one of the unions

I enjoy fitnes along with my family especially running orienteering,and off road cycling

Going away to the bush is my ideal holiday.Ecological issues are often points of great debate in our household as my husband is studying for a degree in environmental management

I hold to no particular religeon but see myself as a spiritual person  who holds to the basic moral ideals  of justice peace integrity  honesty and respect for all.I believe i adhere closest to red indian philosophy and  strive to be in synch with the connectedneess of the universe

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South Africa, Art, Government
Government, South Africa
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South Africa, Online
South Africa, Government