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Miria Obote

President, Uganda Peoples Congress, U.P.C. Widow of former Ugandan Prime Minister and President Dr. Apollo Milton Obote.

More by user: upcuganda
Created: 18th Dec 2008
Modified: 18th Dec 2008
Professional Information
Party President, U.P.C.
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

President, Uganda People's Congress.

The Uganda People's Congress (UPC) is a political party in Uganda.
Uganda People's Congress was founded in 1955 by Dr. Milton Obote,
who later served two presidential terms under the party's banner.
Obote was still party leader at the time of his death in October 2005,
although he had previously announced his intention to step down.

Miria Obote returned to Uganda in October 2005 after 20 years in exile,
to bury her husband. Two months later, On November 28, 2005, she was
elected head of, and presidential candidate for Uganda People's Congress.

In the February 23, 2006 Uganda presidential election, the sitting
president, Yoweri Museveni of the NRM was declared the winner,
and she was reported to have garnered only 0.6% of the vote.

At the Nov. 21st and 22nd 2008 U.P.C. delegates conference,
Mira Obote confirmed her decision to resign as U.P.C. party
president at the end of year 2009, citing age factor.
She is 75 years young. Ref.

Biographical Information
Miria Obote
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jul/16/1936
Gender: female
Place of Origin: Uganda

More People

Government, Uganda
Uganda, South Africa
World, Uganda