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Arfaoui Youssef


Senior Investment Officer: Infrastructure Financal Division, Private Sector Department, African Development Bank. Private Sector Department (OPSM.3)

More by user: B4nafter
Created: 1st Dec 2008
Modified: 1st Dec 2008
Professional Information
African Development Bank- Temporary Relocation Agency -TRA
Senior Investment Officer
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Youssef Arfaoui received his M.Sc. in Mechanical Engi- neering in Denmark in 1990. Youssef has been a Project Consultant at the Forum for Energy and Development(FED), Denmark, since January, 2000. He has prepared renewable-energy training materials/programs for FED and for INFORSE members, e.g., in Grenada, Ethiopia, Somalia, Nepal, and Tanzania. He speaks Danish, Arab,French, English, and some German. Between 1996-99 he was MS energy advisor at the Engineering Unit of the Ministry of Health in Uganda. Between 1984-96 he had a wide range of con- struction-engineering and teaching ex- perience in Denmark.
Biographical Information
Arfaoui Youssef
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: //
Gender: male
  B.P.323, 1002 Tunis Belvedere - Tunisia

Tel: (216) 71 833 182 ext 2308
Website: http://www.afd...
Place of Origin: Tunisia
Youssef Arfaoui
received his M.Sc. in
Mechanical Engi-
neering in Denmark
in 1990.
Youssef has been a
Project Consultant at
the Forum for Energy and Development
(FED), Denmark, since January, 2000.
He has prepared renewable-energy
training materials/programs for FED
and for INFORSE members, e.g., in
Grenada, Ethiopia, Somalia, Nepal, and
Tanzania. He speaks Danish, Arab,
French, English, and some German.
Between 1996-99 he was MS energy
advisor at the Engineering Unit of the
Ministry of Health in Uganda. Between
1984-96 he had a wide range of con-
struction-engineering and tYoussef Arfaoui received his M.Sc. in Mechanical Engi-
neering in Denmark in 1990.

Youssef has been a Project Consultant at the Forum for Energy and Development(FED), Denmark, since January, 2000.

He has prepared renewable-energy training materials/programs for FED and for INFORSE members, e.g., in Grenada, Ethiopia, Somalia, Nepal, and

He speaks Danish, Arab,French, English, and some German. Between 1996-99 he was MS energy advisor at the Engineering Unit of the Ministry of Health in Uganda. Between 1984-96 he had a wide range of con-
struction-engineering and teaching ex-
perience in Denmark.

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