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Sylvie Kinigi


Sylvie Kinigi was born in 1952 in Mugoyi, Burundi and was the first Prime Ministeer of Burundi on July 10, 1993 to Febuarary 7, 1994. She is the first and only woman to hold this position.

More by user: lingabire
Created: 9th Jul 2008
Modified: 9th Jul 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Financial Services, Government
Former Prime Minister of Burundi
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
As a member of the civil service, Kinigi worked as senior consultant in the prime minister's office. She was reported directly to the President and Prime Minister and was entailed with economic reform. In this respect she was charged with trimming the national budget by reducing military funding. In 1992 and 1993 an important part of Kinigi's role was dealing with Western donors demanding economic change in Burundi. She believed this to be a very important role since her decisions and actions would influence the lives of many Burundians. During the transition from a dictatorship to a liberal democracy in 1993, elections were held in which a Hutu President, Melchior Ndadaye , was voted into office. To promote the unification of the two ethnic groups, the President nomitated Kisigi as Prime Minister. Along with creating a successful development plan for Burundi, Kinigi, believed that uniting the Hutu and Tutsi to be her most important tasks in as Prime Minister. Kinigi's term as Prime Minister was short due to the coup d'etat that took place on October 13, 1993. During this Coup d'etat the President was killed. Kinigi and other officials found safety at the French ambassy in the capital. She established an interim government and acted as government until elections took place after the fighting. After her position as Prime Minister she held a position in the banking industry of Burundi. As of 2004, Kinigi was working with the UNDP. Source:
Biographical Information
Sylvie Kinigi
(At a Glance)
Gender: female
Place of Origin: Burundi

Kinigi is a member of the Tutsi ethnic group.  However she overcame the longstanding hostility between Hutu and Tutsi to marry a member of the Hutu ethnic group.  She had five children with her husband who died in 1993.

Kinigi received her diploma from Burundi University where she studied economic management.  Upon graduating from the university, she worked for the civil service of Burundi until 1991.



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