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Faida Mitifu


DRC ambassador to the USA Since November 19, 1999.

More by user: lingabire
Created: 9th Jul 2008
Modified: 9th Jul 2008
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Biographical Information
Faida Mitifu
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Mar/16/1959
Gender: female
Place of Origin: Congo-Kinshasa
Faida Mitifu became ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Congo to the United States on Nov. 19, 1999.

Born on March 16, 1959, in Bukavu, Kivu, Ambassador Mitifu received her bachelor of science degree in biochemistry education from the National University of Zaire, Kinshasa. She received a master’s degree in French studies from Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama; and a doctorate in romance languages from the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. Her dissertation topic was the representation of femininity in Zairian novels written in French. She taught French literature, language, and culture and Caribbean and African literature at the University of Georgia (1994-1997) and also at Columbus State University in Columbus, Georgia (1997-1998). She supervised teaching assistants and coordinated the French language program in the department of romance languages at the University of Georgia (1995-1997). Ambassador Mitifu’s area of research has included French, francophone, and lusophone literatures from Africa and th e Caribbean. Since being appointed to Washington, D.C., Ambassador Mitifu has testified before the congressional subcommittee on Africa on the current crisis in the Great Lakes region. She has given talks on the current crisis in the Republic of Congo and at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and at various universities in the United States.

She is fluent in French, English, Swahili, Lingala, and Shi. Ambassador Mitifu is married and has three children.


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