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Agba Otikpo Mézodé

Central African Republic

Agba Otikpo Mézodé is a former politician and diplomat from the Central African Republic.

More by user: miba
Created: 17th Jun 2008
Modified: 17th Jun 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Working primarily in:
Central African Republic

Description of Work:
Otikpo Mézodé was named foreign minister of his country on 5 April 2001 in Martin Ziguélé government alongside finance minister Eric Sorongopé and Interior Minister Théodore Bikoo. He left office in 2003.
Biographical Information
Agba Otikpo Mézodé
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Interests: Politique, Culture, Sport, Art
Place of Origin: Central African Republic

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