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Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed


Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed is the president of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Somalia.

More by user: AllAfrica Editorial Team
Created: 23rd Apr 2008
Modified: 23rd Apr 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Transitional Federal Government of Somalia
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Description of Work:
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed became president of the Transitional Federal Government in 2004. He began his long career in the military and participated in the Ogaden War in 1977. He was decorated for bravery.

Just one year later though, he participated in an attempted coup of Siad Baare, the then dictator of Somalia. After the plot failed, he escaped to Kenya, then Ethiopia, where he formed his own rebel group. He spent most of the 1980s in exile.

In the 1990s, he emerged as the leader of his home region, Puntland, of central Somalia. In 1998, he declared Puntland autonomous, and quickly became president. After finishing out his term in office, he became involved in a bitter leadership dispute that turned violent. He overthrew the Puntland government in 2002, becoming president once again.

Two years later, Ahmed won an overwhelming victory in the TFG parliament to become president of the TFG. Many observers, however, wondered how he could gain support in Mogadishu and southern Somalia because he is not from the region and also has close ties to Ethiopia. The TFG set up its government in Baidoa, a city in western Somalia.

In 2006, the Islamic Courts filled a power vacuum in southern Somalia, and even took control of Mogadishu. Radicals in the Islamic Courts organization were blamed for an assassination on Ahmed in 2006.  In early 2007, with the help of Ethiopian troops, the TFG was finally able to enter Mogadishu, but the battle against insurgents still rages.

Rumors swirl regarding Ahmed's health. In early 2008, he was rushed to London for tests.

Biographical Information
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Somalia

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