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Marc Ravalomanana


President of Madagascar

More by user: clo
Created: 4th Mar 2008
Modified: 9th Jul 2008
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Biographical Information
Marc Ravalomanana
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Dec/12/1949
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Madagascar
Mr. Marc Ravalomanana born in Imrinkasinina (High plateaus, 25 km in the east of Antananarivo). In 1982, he began a small family agro-alimentary company, TIKO. The company, which employs today more than 1000 people, is one of most the important in the Malagasy economy. Over time, it installed a radio and a private chain of television (MBS, "Malagasy Broadcasting System"), as well as a bilingual newspaper ("The Daily Newspaper"). On November 14, 1999, Ravalomanana was presented to the local elections under his own banner "Tiako Iarivo" (I like Antananarivo).

Ravaloamanana carried the seat of mayor of Antananarivo with 45% of the vote. On December 16, 2001, he was candidate with the presidential election, he succeded in profiting from the support of many small parties within the KMMR (Committee of support for Marc Ravalomanana). The ensuing dispute over the results of the first vote will be at the origin of the one of the most serious political crises of the history of the country, but the election was finally validated by one recount at the Constitutional High court in April 2002, with 51,46% of the voices. On May 6, 2002 Marc Ravalomanana was named President of the Republic.

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Government, Madagascar
Government, Madagascar
Government, Madagascar