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Mwai Kibaki


Mwai Kibaki is the President of Kenya. He has held many other positions in government in a long political career.

More by user: AllAfrica Editorial Team
Created: 5th Feb 2008
Modified: 19th Jun 2011
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Government of Kenya

Description of Work:
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Biographical Information
Mwai Kibaki
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Nov/15/1931
Interests: Politics, Economics, Golf
  City: Nairobi
Place of Origin: Kenya

Mwai Kibaki was born on November 15, 1931. Although he was baptized by Italian missionaries, he rarely, if ever, uses that name. He is from Nyeri District in the central highlands of Kenya.

Kibaki studied at Makerere University College in Kampala, Uganda, considered one of the best universities in East Africa, and the London School of Economics in London.

After a short career in academics, he entered politics, joining the Kenya Africa National Union (Kanu) in 1960. In 1963, he was elected to parliament, and has been there ever since. In 1969, he became Minister of Finance.

After the death of Kenya's first president, Jomo Kenyatta, Kibaki was elevated to the vice-presidency under President Daniel arap Moi in 1978. The two had a falling out a decade later, and when multi-party politics were introduced in 1991, Kibaki left Kanu to start his own political party - the Democratic Party. He ran unsuccessfully for president in both 1992 and 1997, finishing third in 1992 and second in 1997.

In 2002, with the backing of wide coalition, Kibaki defeated Kenyatta's son Uhuru to win the presidency under the National Rainbow Coalition. He was sworn-in a wheelchair because he was still suffering injuries from a 2002 car accident.

Kibaki's coalition quickly crumbled and he lost a constitutional referendum in 2005.

Kibaki did recover to win re-election in 2007, but his victory has been widely contested by international observers.

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