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Hope Builders Ministries

Mission Statement
Hope Builders Ministries Equipping disciples to make disciples who make disciples

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HeadQuarters: Hope Builders Ministries P.O. Box 317 Greenwood, VA 22943 Phone: 540-949-5344 Email:
Organization Contacts
  • Telephone: 540-949-5344
  • Contact Person/Office: Hope Builders Ministries
  • Email:

Organization Details


Fulfilling the Great Commission through Disciple-Makers

Our vision of reaching Africa for Jesus Christ, in collaboration with PARTNER MINISTRIES in Africa is progressing well and we are seeing our Hub-model Saturation Disciple-Making Strategy achieving results that are beyond our own expectations. We are currently working in Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and and Congo (Brazzaville). Tanzania and Botswana are the newer exploration fields where exciting projects are being established.

The hub strategy forms the basis of our entire ministry - with the hub church and the hub leader being the key elements. A Hub-Church is chosen for its strategic location in an area where the population is distributed such that outreaches can be done in an area covering a 25 mile radius around the hub-church. Generally speaking that could encompass villages housing about 50,000 people in total. The Hub-Church also doubles as the training center where the newly identified "pastors" for that area, will be trained.

The Hub Leader is a trained Pastor who joins our team by accepting and implementing the Hub-model strategy. He leads an evangelism team who reach out to villages within walking/bicycling distance from the Hub-Church. The Hub Leader is required to plant three churches and guides each of them to plant three churches within a year.

Pastoral Training

The second task of the Hub Leader is to identify leaders in the Discipleship classes and to groome a pastor for the churches that are raised in the local communities. These leaders are brought in to the Hub-Church on a regular basis (3 days every 5 weeks) to receive Pastoral Training. The training is done on a mentored basis for three years. The Hub Leader also mentors each student in the practical side of their ministry ie. he assists them in performing funerals, baptisms, meeting procedures, etc (in an apprenticeship style) until they can handle these functions confidently.

Each student (pastoral leader of the church plant) is required to plant one Discipleship class that will grow into a church per year while being trained, in a village within walking/bicycling distance of his church. Thus over a period of three years, 30 additional new churches are planted within a 25-mile radius around the hub church, bringing the total number of churches planted in that area to 40, each with a trained Pastor.

Discipleship Movements

Our goal is to saturate the entire community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through developing church members to become Disciple-Makers. As the hub grows each village is targeted by the evangelism teams after the church there has been planted and the leader is in training. This allows us to perform the very important task of following up on new believers, making them DISCIPLES of Christ and accommodating them in an Evangelical Church within walking distance from their homes. On average each Hub can potentially reach 30,000 people (normally with between 4,000 and 10,000 becoming church members) when fully developed over a six year period. Trained Local leadership can continue the ministry when our commitment comes to a close.

Tithing, Marriage & Family counseling, Bible Study methods, etc form an integral part of our practical training and as such the congregations will be self supporting through the growth in Spiritual stature and numbers.

Hope Builders Ministries

P.O. Box 317
Greenwood, VA 22943
Phone: 540-949-5344

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