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United States : Trees For the Future

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HeadQuarters: P.O. Box 7027 Silver Spring, MD 20907-7027
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Organization Details
Trees for the Future is a charitable organization in the United States. Our efforts are directed at assisting communities with environmental problems due to deforestation. We provide seeds, training and technical resoures to families, communities and organizations interested in reforesting lands and maintaining sustainable agriculture practices. Trees for the Future is a grass roots, environmental and humanitarion organization dedicated to helping people restore damaged, logged and abused lands for their benefit. Mostly rural, our programs let the people plant the trees in their own community, thereby, creating economic and environmental benefits for themselves. The projects improve living standards and provides sustained benefit to the environment. Last year over four million (4,000,000) multi-purpose, fast-growing trees were planted in more than 6,000 villages in Asia, Africa and the Americas and requests for assistance is increasing.
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