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Winky D New Albums

More by user: bonslag
Created: 26th Jan 2010
Modified: 26th Jan 2010
Winky D
BlackLab Records

The talented musician from Kambuzuma has just released his exciting albums, a move which will thrill his army of fans across the world.
Winky D release of his albums marks a huge stage in the career of the multi-talented reggae/dancehall singer-songwriter. Winky D, who lives in Harare, Zimbabwe , put the final touches to the albums after his successful tours in United Kingdom and South Africa. The much awaited albums will build upon his fan base and get his music heard by more people than ever.

Both albums consists of thirty-four(34) original songs in total from Winky D, each providing a combination of his high-energy, melodious vocals and heartfelt lyrics. The rhythmic undercurrent bears testament to reggae/dancehall, and the music is punctuated throughout with elements of hip-hop, pop and R&B.

The albums were recorded at BlackLab Records Studios in Zimbabwe , and the creation of the albums was supported by producers across the world which included Mockery (Zim), Layan (Zim), Jusa (UK), Equiknoxx (Jamaica), Not Nice (Jamaica). Jonathan Banda and Bartholomew Vera were the executive producers for both albums.

‘Chatsva & Com 2 Tek Ova’ will reveal the stunning array of influences that have found their way into Winky D’s music. The lyrical content and catchy melodies in both albums will continue to inspire all ghetto people to keep their heads above the water and edutain the youth.

His last CD, Vanhu Vakuru, was regarded as an anthem of sorts for fans of the music. Now, Winky D is being challenged to follow that with equally appealing albums. With “Zvimoko zvevanhu” a single from “Chatsva” which debuted the charts at no. 7, already making waves then its apparent that its another year of Winky D’s anthems. The new albums have similar features,” he explained, “What’s an album without inspirational food for the ghetto people?”. “Chatsva” & “Com 3 Tek Ova” will be distributed by his record label since inception, BlackLab Records.

Fans are encouraged to visit Winky D’s website, which provides everything you could want to know about the young musician. As well as checking out videos of Winky D being interviewed and photos of him in action, you can also sign up for the mailing list to receive news and information about upcoming gigs and new releases.

Fans can also join up to be his friend on Facebook.

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