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United States of Kibera
More by user: simonebazos
Created: 9th Nov 2011
Modified: 9th Nov 2011
Simone Bazos, Sarah Rowe

United States of Kibera is a film still in production about Pamoja FM, the community radio station in Kibera and Jah-Army, an economically self sustainable arts collective in Kibera. Pamoja and Jah-Army work together to create positive changes in Kibera, the worlds second largest urban slum, through art. The film aims to show an entirely different side of Kibera, a side that is positive and hopeful, a side that the media seems to never really show. 


Currently the team is hoping to raise funding to support the rest of the project. To do this the production team is trying to get the world via the web excited about the film. If anyone is interested in this project please reblog and send to your friends. It would be greatly appreciated.

United States of Kibera
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