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Senegal : Ainsi Meurent les Anges (And So Angels Die) (2001)
Ainsi Meurent les Anges (And So Angels Die) (2001)

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Created: 5th Jun 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Moussa Sene Absa

Ainsi Meurent les Anges (And So Angels Die) (2001)

2001. 56 minutes Senegal. Director: Moussa Sene Absa

In French and Wolof with English subtitles. Mory is a troubled Senegalese poet living outside Paris with his French wife and their children. We watch his marriage fall apart under cross-cultural pressures, specifically his father's demand that he take a second wife in Senegal. Homeless in winter, separated from his children, his poems scattered over a Paris street, Mory returns to Senegal, penniless and with uncertain prospects. At the same time, black-and-white sequences reveal the psychological origins of Mory's present malaise.

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United States, Senegal
Senegal, Foreign Service/Diplomacy