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Patriotic Leadership..The Pathway To Democracy And Opportunity

More by user: itrusttravers
Created: 20th Aug 2009
Modified: 20th Aug 2009
Transatlantic Publishing Grroup

Patriotic Leadership..The Pathway To Democracy And Opportunity

An engaging textbook for students of public administration and a timely workbook for anyone interested in effective management of public sector. The author go to great lengths to diagnose the social, economic and political shortcomings of emerging democracies. Fresh doses of remedy through a compelling "straight-talk" style, that avoids finger pointing, and focuses directly on policy issues and addresses the need for committed implementation of policies. Prescribes actualization of democratic governance, considered the missing element among resource rich countries, and at root of public problems, to become the focus of leadership. Offers innovative ways to solve the myriad of social development problems.  

Author: Rudolph Travers

Publisher: Transatlantic Publishing Group

ISBN: 0976269309

Contact: 540-497-3495



Science, Technoloy & National Policy- Cornell University Press

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