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Senegal : Sufism And Religious Brotherhoods In Senegal (2005)
Sufism And Religious Brotherhoods In Senegal (2005)

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Created: 5th Jun 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Khadim Mbacke and John O. Hunwick
Markus Wiener Publishers

Sufism And Religious Brotherhoods In Senegal (2005)
by Khadim Mbacke and John O. Hunwick

Markus Wiener Publishers

This book is a study of the state of Islam in Senegal and of the religious factors that influence it. Mbacké traces the genesis and evolution of Sufism in order to explain the circumstances that permitted the emergence of Sufi brotherhoods. He describes the brotherhoods that are currently active in Senegal and depicts the means and manner of their diffusion, the lives of their founding figures, their basic teachings, their internal organization, the links they maintain with each other, and the role they play in the country’s cultural, economic, social and political life. The book uses its study of the present condition of Senegal’s Sufi brotherhoods to speculate on their future evolution.

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