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Gabon : Ivindo National Park
Ivindo National Park

More by user: apark
Created: 22nd Jul 2008
Modified: 24th Jul 2008
Wildlife; Park
Untouched, magnificent, and yet, easily accesible: this is truly the essence of Gabon and the greatest attraction is has to offer to the world. For those who can muster the hard walk to the top, the views are magnificent, the wildlife spectacular, and the serenity one finds there on a par with only the most tranquil places on earth.
Contact Information
Take a train from Libreville. From there, you'll have to go to Langouie Bai camp via two hour 4x4 drive and an arduous 8.2 KM walk up a massive hill and through some jungle. This is the only place to stay inside the park so you will need to start early. From there you can set up camp (rememeber, you'll have to bring all your own stuff and no porters are available) and then it's another 4.2 KM to the Bai, that is, the opening for which the park is renowned. A scientific viewing platform is open to visitors interested in checking out local wildlife.

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