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Creeping Sand Dune
Creeping Sand Dune

More by user: auto system
Created: 28th Aug 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
25% expensive

The creeping sand dune is a really distinctive feature of the town In Salah. It completely splits the town in two, and from the top, tourists can have areally great view of each side. The town has a very relaxed environment but it's not worth staying overnight. Just drop by to see the creeping sand dune and grab a bite to eat.

Contact Information
In Salah
Near Tamanrasset *****Please keep in mind that travel in Algeria is very dangerous at this time and not recommended for anyone who lacks experience in the region. Anyone going to the country should exerciser extreme caution and consult the US State Department site on Algeria before leaving for up-to-date information on the situation there*****
In Salah in Southern Algeria

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