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Post 271 to 280 of 362

Niger, Local
Enjoy a great meal for under $5.? This restaurant is owned by the same Italians as the luxurious Pension Tellit...
Niger, Local
This is one of the best places to go people watching, starting at sunset. The food is very reasonably priced,...
Takeaway, Niger
This is the best place to find chocolate and other sweet, rare desserts in Niger.? Patisseries like these are difficult...
Niger, Chinese
For Chinese food fans, this is paradise. Although it is a more expensive restaurant by Nigerien cuisine standards, with main...
Serves dishes from all corners of the globe with a good selection of
Takeaway, Namibia
Offers meat and veggie filled
One of the best takeaways in the city.? Serves scrumptious fish, chicken burgers, and spicy chips.
Bar, Uganda
Serves world food and houses a charming Irish pub.
Feel a home at a place that serves a variety food.
Yummy food from all corners of the world.?