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IIMAC Free Education Empowerment project in Asia and Africa..
Members of the Shembe Church in Durban March to the High Court this morning. The court case will hopefully settle...
Striking workers from the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) took to the streets of Durban recently demanding a wage...
The Head of Water and Sanitation in eThekwini Municipality.
Students receiving T-shirts for Mandela Day.
Ekukhutheleni primary school, Briardale Primary School, Summerfield Primary School, Ferndale Combined School, Durban University of Technology students were in attendance...
The ?tragic finale? of Africa?s top horse race, the Durban July, is still causing controversy. The widely publicised event that...
Washing with water collected from the rain as the youngsters watch.
This toilet poses a serious threat to health of users