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myAfrica is a part of, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. myAfrica is designed to help you find and learn about things African. We are building what will become the most comprehensive and easilty searchable database of tastes, sights, places, people and more from Africa.

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11 to 19 of 19

The Center for Economic Justice (CEJ) was born in June 1999 in response to requests from the Platform to Advocate...
Third World Network-Africa (TWN-Af) is a an international network of groups and individuals who seek greater articulation of the needs...
Transformation Strategies supports ISO 14000 and environmental management systems. We believe that the shareholders, customers, and employees of corporations have...
ZY/ ZYA Highly Effective Vacuum Oil Purifier (Contact---Karen Kung Hotmail: oilpurifier-kung Yahoo: karenkung5 Gmail: oilpurifierkung Skype: kitty526114 Tel:86-23-68681160 Mobile: 86-15023143510...
Helps the poorest of the poor take their first step up out of poverty by providing them with conditional seed...
TY Turbine Oil Purifier (Contact---Karen Kung Hotmail: oilpurifier-kung Skype: kitty526114 ICQ:no.613960144 Yahoo Messenger: karenkung5 Tel:86-23-68681160 Mobile: 86-15023143510 Fax:86-23-86197078 Application:...
Organizes support to affiliates who offer services to low income women, builds networks of microfinance institutions, and works with policy...
WWF is an independent foundation, with an international secretariat in Switzerland which coordinates the WWF Network of offices in over...